John Lennon's Musical Journey

By: Tarun

Lennon's childhood and early musical influences in Liverpool, learning guitar and forming first band (The Quarrymen)

Early years

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Lennon meets McCartney and Quarrymen evolves into the Beatles, early gigs in Liverpool and Hamburg

Meet Paul McCartney

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Beatles signed to Parlophone, release early hits and gain popularity in Britain and Europe

Beatlemania begins

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Beatles land in America in 1964 amid Beatlemania fever, appear on Ed Sullivan Show reaching 73 million viewers

American invasion

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Mid-60s Beatles transition to studio innovation with iconic albums like Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt Pepper

Studio innovation

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1966 Lennon controversially states Beatles more popular than Jesus, last official gig in Candlestick Park, goes through psychedelic self-discovery

End of touring/Self-discovery

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Tensions in group and management issues lead to official split in 1970, Lennon embarks on solo career with iconic Imagine album

Split and solo work

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Throughout 70s Lennon takes up political activism, has 5 year "househusband" retirement before planning comeback album Double Fantasy

Activism and retirement

Image: instagram/johnlennon

On December 8, 1980, 40-year old Lennon shot dead in NYC, leaving enormous musical legacy and catalog behind spanning 20 years


Image: instagram/johnlennon